So, it turns out I may be slightly addicted to television...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm in love with Jim Halpert

That's it, I'm done. I can't hide it any longer. I will no longer deny my feelings. I am absolutely, positively in love with Jim Halpert. And I'm so in love with him that I want what's best for him. And what's best for him, obviously, is Pam.

This week while checking out the latest webisode for NBC's The Office, I watched the new fall teaser titled "Pam and Jim". It almost brought a tear to my eye (of course, I cry at the drop of a hat, so take that with a grain of salt.) You can check it out here: and then tell me what you think. Is anybody as excited for the new fall season as I am????

So I was thinking about all the reasons I love The Office. Now, I liked the British one, but NBC's version does it for me. And I've decided the biggest reason is John Krasinski who plays Jim Halpert. Who couldn't be in love with him and root for him over Roy? That moment where Pam tells him that their friendship means everything and he says "Don't do that, I don't want to do that" - his expression kills me. How great an actor is he? And he's so cute!

Of course, there are other reasons I love this show. I love Steve Carrell as Michael - he's the perfect blend of ditzy & silly & caring. It's obvious Michael has a softer side and cares about the people who work for him and those moments when we see it are such treats. And the rest of the time he makes me laugh so hard the tears are rolling down my face.

And then there's Dwight... I love his character - he's so "out there" it works. Like he takes it to the brink every time but it's perfect. And I've already put in my request for a Dwight bobblehead for Christmas.

But it's more than individual characters that make this show great. It's the whole ensemble - it just works. Everybody who's worked in an office (or a warehouse) can relate to the dynamics and the mundane everyday. In fact, I believe there is a Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, that's how well done this show is.

So that's my shameless Office plug for today. No, they don't pay me to write these things (though if anyone from NBC or The Office happens to read this - I'm available for hire!)

And my last two thoughts. I managed to watch the finale of America's Got Talent and I'm so pleased Bianca won. And I was surprised but happy to see that Benji won So You Think You Can Dance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't say I love Jim, but I would take Pam in a second... Why Jim?; WHY?

6:15 PM


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