So, it turns out I may be slightly addicted to television...

Monday, March 22, 2010

No salam, no alaykum, sweet Lord break out the bacon!


(that line by the way, I can't take credit for - it was perhaps one of the best lines Rev. Thorne gave this season.)

It took one long painful year, but finally, Little Mosque on the Prairie (LMOTP) is back in fine form. I think somewhere during this season (maybe when the ratings sunk and all the fans started crying out how the show had jumped the shark and created the worst possible character ever in Rev Thorne) the writers had an "ah ha" moment (as Oprah calls them) and decided they needed to return to their roots - funny dialogue and the Amaar/Rayyan romance. If only they could have brought Yasir back for the finale it would have been perfect.

I have really enjoyed the last few episodes of LMOTP. I liked that Amaar and Rayyan were starting to look at each differently, I felt the hope for them again. I liked that Rev Thorne got his comeuppance, as did Baber. I liked how Amaar's character grew into a strong imam, one that, if I were Muslim, I would want to have as my own imam. I just wish it hadn't taken all of season 4 to get us back to where season 3 left off. Here's hoping for a season 5 because I really want to see an Amaar/Rayyan wedding. But the rumour mill is saying is cancellation heaven for this show. And that makes me sad. Because those budget cuts at the CBC are probably what doomed the show - (seriously, did they hire replacement writers, because the show had a lobotomy for the first 3/4s of the season).

I never like to see anything run into the ground. Especially a good, funny Canadian show that was new and bold and different from the rest of what is on TV. It makes me sad.

Do you hear me CBC??? You make me sad. If you cancel LMOTP I may have to break up with you. I may have to side with all those other Canadians who say the CBC is irrelevant and useless and can't come up with any good shows, and I don't want to be that kind of person. I must admit though, I've had a wandering eye. Sometimes I wonder why you can't be more like the BBC...

So, I've picked up Criminal Minds. Good golly, when am I ever going to find the time to watch all these crime dramas??? I like it though. I think I might it save it for when nothing else is on, but I'm trying a new experiment. I'm watching the show backwards, starting from the most recent episode. A whole new perspective on a series emerges this way. Reminds me of that movie "Irreversible" that I saw when I was living in Scotland (Edinburgh Fringe Festival - well worth a watch but I must warn you that the movie is in French and it is brutally violent. Brutal.). Loved episode 100. Well played. Though to me Hotch is still and will forever more be "Greg" from Dharma & Greg. My husband watched a clip with me and says "Oh, it's Greg!" and I told him the other day to prepare for episode 100 because "Greg's wife dies". It's funny how some characters never die, even when the actor is in a new and completely different role. Is that the actor's fault? Do you think it's because they can't break out and do something different? Or is it the viewer's fault? I'll have to sleep on that.


I think I may have to root for the detectives now on the Amazing Race. But I still love the cowboys the most. And I'm so glad team Big Brother is gone! Now if Miss North Carolina or whatever state that dimwit is from could just get eliminated I'd be all set.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's All Good

I feel like such a hypocrite.

I swore off CBS when they canceled The Unit last year. Swore up and down that we were over and done with. That there was no redemption. Especially because I was still hurting from Veronica Mars and that, ultimately, was CBS (the owners of the CW).

And now, here I am, about to write on CBS's new drama The Good Wife.

I didn't intend to start watching, honestly. In fact, the first episode I think I caught while away on tour and I thought, well, this is kinda interesting. And I'm addicted to procedural legal or crime dramas so really, they had me at their first case. Now I'm hooked.

I'm glad to see that The Good Wife has really become a breakout hit for the 09/10 season - Julianna is amazing as Alicia Florrick. I love the dynamics of her home life and the firm life - the balancing act that is her life - and Peter's own trials. However, it occured to me the other day that what I really love about this show are some of the very same things I loved about Veronica Mars. In fact, I feel like I'm watching a grown up version of Veronica Mars in some ways.

First, the basics. Over-arching season long mystery? Check - Peter's appeal and the did he or didn't he take bribes and try to fix cases. Individual episode mysteries? Check - every episode features a case that really leaves you wondering who did it - and usually gives the answer by the end of our 60 minutes together (43min honestly because I stream it online without commercials). Strong female lead and characters? Check - Alicia is tough and smart, Kalinda is someone I'd take with me in dark alley, and Diane is a fighting female partner who gets what she wants but who also has a strong moral conscience. Witty dialogue? Check - Peter has some great lines, as does his new political advisor. But even the banter around the conference table or in the courtroom is good. Take tonight's episode where Will asks the prosecutor - "Do you have a map? So I can show you where you live." Cute boys? Check - Matt Czuchry - nuff said. But I have to say, Josh Charles (Will) isn't hard to look at either. And Big, er, Chris Noth, certainly has his following.

Nope, I have to admit - I may hate CBS a little a bit, but The Good Wife has softened the blow.


Ok, who didn't laugh hysterically when Pam fed the wrong baby on The Delivery episode of The Office? I continue to love Pam and Jim and I think parenthood will just bring more opportunities for laughs. I'm so glad the writers didn't waste too much time getting these two together. It would have been torture to have them still pining for each other this many seasons later. And I love they are married and have a baby!! And that life in the office is still hilarious. Not so struck on Andy and Erin though. I think the writers are trying to make this the next Jim and Pam but I'm not buying it. I want Holly back! It's time Michael has some love.

Oh, and I nearly died laughing with Dwight and the "I couldn't find your ipod"


Would really like the writers of Little Mosque on the Prairie to just finally put Amaar and Rayyann together. Is that really so much to ask? Can we please get rid of Rev. Thorne now that the mosque has been kicked out of the church? I feel like this season has been too ridiculous. However, I do like the direction they are starting to take Amaar - I just feel we were too long getting here and the Thorne in my side is interfering with my love of the show.


That's it for this post.

Oh, and I'm totally rooting for the cowboys on The Amazing Race.